March 2020

2020(Page 2)

Ask yourself: Is your smile the very best it can be? If you’re suffering from discolored, chipped, misshapen, or slightly misaligned teeth, dental veneers may be the answer for you. One of the most esthetic and conservative means of creating a more pleasing and beautiful smile is the placement of dental veneers. At the office […]

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 69 percent of adults have lost at least one permanent tooth due to decay, gum disease, or injury. Lost teeth affect your ability to smile with confidence or speak and chew properly, impacting your quality of life. Fortunately, the skilled professionals at the office of Smile […]

At the office of Smile NY, we maintain a position at the forefront of the latest advances in care to offer patients treatment that is more precise, convenient, and comfortable than ever before. When it comes to smile care, our team of professionals is well equipped to help you and every member of your family […]